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Name: Habunzaku Dojima.


Nickname: Habu.


Age: Unknown.


Eye Color: Lime Green.


Hair Color: Crimson Red.


Gender: Male.


Height: 6ft2.


Weight: 55.5kg.


Bloodline: Pure Dojima Blood.


Date Of Birth: Unknown.


Sexual Oritentation: Hetrosexual.


Race: Dragon.


Rank: Pure Breed.


Blood Type: AB.


Extra Information: Multi-Personality Disorder.


Clan: Dojima.


Clan Ranking: Unknown.


Moods: Calm, Kind & Outspoken.


Abilities: Dragon Sense -Able to detect danger- Healing Factors - Rapid Healing & Able to heal others-


Element Types: Fire, Water & Shadow Manipulation.


Kanata: Twilight Dragon Katana -Replica-


Katana Release: Crimson Sythe Of Drakolenta.


Items: Pocket Book.


Favourite Technique: Dragon Rush.


Motto: Strength comes from sheer will.


Father: Presumed Deseased.


Mother: Deseased.


Sister: Presumed Deseased.


Brothers: Presumed Deseased.


Genetic Ability: Dragon Trigger -All Dojimas have the ability to dramatically undergo a change/release form which causes them to resemble their true form while still retaining their materialized features, within this form their aura, speed & strength matches their true dragon form abilities.










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