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This is Korochi's Primary weapon which is called the twilight dragon katana, this is Habunzaku's katana form, its crimson's blade is extreamly durable and can defend against almost any heavy base attacks or elemental base attacks.



This katana can only be used by Korochi Usaki because the katana it self was forged only for korochi's use this blade will only become active and lethal once it senses that the aura that is within the katana it self and the person holding it match, if the aura does not match then the blade will become harmless it will not be able to attack or defend against anything, it will simply just erode away if its not in the hands of its rightful owner.



The katana it self has its own signature elemental move that is forged within its blade, once habunzaku's aura mixes with korochi's aura upon one swing korochi is able to release a massive half moon like shape attack called the crimson moon shatter blade technique which is a large volume of raw mixed crimson and gold aura that carries over one thousand miniture blades wthin its current and once this attack hits its target it not only serverly slashes its victim it also explodes on contact.



Twilight Dragon Katana

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